From Wolf to Wag: The Evolution of The Dog
Have you ever wondered how the majestic grey wolf transformed into the Pug? How about that if all dogs descended from wolves, why do dogs have diff...
Fun Facts About Man’s Best Friend
If you are like us and absolutely love dogs, you are not alone! In fact, it appears America is not only the land of the free and the home of the br...
Dog Training : How This Wagging Engine Works
Dog training is the process of teaching dour canine friends to exhibit certain desired behaviors in specific circumstances as well as teach them so...
Pet Flea Fact File
Fleas – the dread of every pet owner. How do you keep your pets from getting them and if they do, how do you treat them? This infographic from the ...
Important Facts About Your Dog’s Body
Your dog’s health is the key to a long and happy life, so it is important to truly understand how your pet’s body works. The dog’s various body par...
The True Cost of Owning a Dog
Thinking about getting a dog for a family pet? There are a lot of pros and cons to consider. If the actual cost of owning a dog is something that c...
Pit Bull Myths and Facts
Pit bull ownership has been a hotly debated topic in recent times. The pit bull, once bred for fighting, has consequently become notorious for vici...
Food You Should Never Feed Your Dog
Looking at a dog’s diet, the following infographic from reveals what types of food dog owners should keep away from their dogs in order t...
America’s First Dogs
Just in time for President Obama’s inauguration for his second term in the office of President of the United States of America is this interesting ...
Cat Versus Dogs
This infographic takes a look at the age-old debate about which furry friend makes the best pet. We of course would select dogs but then again, we’...
Are Pets Being Treated Like Royalty?
It’s commonplace nowadays to see kids with expensive gadgets and toys worth more than what you might have owned during your entire childhood. It’s ...
The World of Dog Food
The following infographic by Pet365 provides some interesting facts and figures on the multi-billion dollar dog food industry, including nutritiona...